by Nino Di Cara | Mar 29, 2019 | Owner Experience
By Laura Bryson To be honest, the first time I sat in my (100% electric) Chevrolet Bolt, my reaction was: “Oh! It’s just like any other car!” Of course, there’s so much that’s different about it, but mostly just in how you fuel it. During...
by Nino Di Cara | Mar 29, 2019 | Owner Experience
By Ian Graham My Father got me interested in renewables when he and Mom bought a cottage on the same lake that they ran their fishing lodge on. The cottage had no electricity and being the ever curious and resourceful man he was, he tapped into the waterfalls beside...
by Nino Di Cara | Mar 26, 2019 | Owner Experience
By Richard Corley Originally published in the Globe & Mail I have read, with bemusement and disappointment, reports from electric-vehicle neophytes about the travails of winter EV driving. Bemusement, as there are almost 100,000 Canadian owners who could provide...
by Nino Di Cara | Mar 5, 2019 | Owner Experience
By Gail Walker In this video by Sid Tabak, ride along with Gail Walker as she shares her story of EV ownership eight months after she purchased a Chevrolet Bolt. ...
by Nino Di Cara | Dec 30, 2018 | Knowledge Centre, Motorcycles, Owner Experience
By Spencer Wright Spencer Wright chose an electric motorcycle for his commuter vehicle and quickly racked up 9,000km. In 2015, I bought my 2013 Zero S as a stepping stone into the EV world. There were no fully electric cars on the market that both fit my range needs,...
by admin | Dec 24, 2018 | Owner Experience
By Andrew Batiuk If a friend asked you to join them and share the driving on a 2700km road trip from Edmonton to Phoenix in the middle of winter, what would you say? What if a pair of dogs were joining the two of you? Sitting in a cramped car, with the engine droning...