Prince George Electric Vehicle Association
Facilitator: Doug Beckett
Contact: 250-560-5556 or doug.beckett@ev.princegeorge.tech
Website: ev.princegeorge.tech
The Prince George Electric Vehicle Association (PG EVA) will inform you of upcoming EV Gatherings, EV information sessions and advancements that are occurring with a focus to central/northern BC. We have subscribers from all over BC, north western Alberta and the Yukon.
The PG EVA is an expanded community network that provides support to EV owners and to individuals interested in learning more about EVs. Arrange to see various EV models in real life. Have questions answered. Share your learnings and experiences. PG EVA emails are sent via bcc with messages summarized and filtered by the PG EVA facilitator.
You do not need to own an EV to be a member of the PG EVA.
Email Doug Beckett (email above) to subscribe or unsubscribe from the PG EVA email list.

Meeting information
The 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm with the Energy Transition Group
See the EVs outside in the parking lot after the meeting
Where: UNBC Prince George 3333 University Way, Building 5 Room 158
Admission is FREE