What’s it like to switch to an electric vehicle?
If you are thinking about buying an electric vehicle for the first time, one of the most helpful things you can do is to take the experience of other EV owners. We invite you to watch, listen and read the firsthand experiences of those who’ve already made the switch.
Turning Over a New LEAF…
Moving from working 5 days a week to working zero days a week can seem like a major move ... and very often one that is avoided for as long as possible. From a career to Retirement ... that is the rub! So, along with retiring from a 40-something year career as as...
What I’ve Learned After Six Years with an Electric Car
Six years ago, I took delivery of my fully battery electric car – one of the first in Canada. It was a leap of faith into the future and came with a lot of uncertainty. When I first ordered it, there were a number of questions on my mind. Would I run out of charge? How and where would I charge it? When would I have to replace the battery? Would the car last? How would it be in the winter? How would I get it serviced?
“You’ll be surprised… There really isn’t any range anxiety”
By Pino Mastroianni This video by Sid Tabak features Windsor, Ont. resident, Pino Mastroianni, who shares his seven years of experience living with his plug-in hybrid electric car. Pino’s Chevy Volt Hybrid has an electric range of only 70kms, yet after 130,000 kms,...
“After 7 years and 113,000 km, I’ve spent no money on maintenance”
By Eli Edwards In this video by Sid Tabak, hear from former Audi mechanic and car-racer Eli Edwards as he shares his experience of EV ownership, overcoming range anxiety and caring for his electric car battery.
“Trickle charging 115-volts at home suits me fine”
By Arthur Potts While renovating our house three years ago, we put a shed up in the backyard, beside were we can park two cars. My neighbor suggested we add a 60 amp service to the shed to accommodate a Level 2 fast charger because, as he said at the time, “it won’t...
“I didn’t think 45 kms of EV range would amount to much. Boy, was I wrong.”
By Robert Lockhart Here are few facts about our Prius Prime (plug-in hybrid). When we took delivery at the end of June last year, I really didn’t think the 45 kms of EV range would amount to much. Boy, was I wrong. We live about 25 kms north of Peterborough, so we...
“I lived in a condo and didn’t have access to home charging”
By Laura Bryson To be honest, the first time I sat in my (100% electric) Chevrolet Bolt, my reaction was: "Oh! It's just like any other car!" Of course, there's so much that's different about it, but mostly just in how you fuel it. During the first year of owning my...
“I would never consider going back to a gas car”
By Ian Graham My Father got me interested in renewables when he and Mom bought a cottage on the same lake that they ran their fishing lodge on. The cottage had no electricity and being the ever curious and resourceful man he was, he tapped into the waterfalls beside...
“I start each day with a full ‘tank’ of electricity”
By Richard Corley Originally published in the Globe & Mail I have read, with bemusement and disappointment, reports from electric-vehicle neophytes about the travails of winter EV driving. Bemusement, as there are almost 100,000 Canadian owners who could provide...
“There’s a few things you learn as you adapt”
By Gail Walker In this video by Sid Tabak, ride along with Gail Walker as she shares her story of EV ownership eight months after she purchased a Chevrolet Bolt.